H-1B Cap Subject Visa Numbers Dwindling
December 3, 2009
About 6,000 Remain as of November 27, 2009. As our calendar year comes to an end, so do Fiscal Year 2010 H-1B available numbers. USICS has continued to track and publish data on increased H-1B filings this fall, particularly for October and November. It just announced that, as of November 27, 2009, it had received approximately 58,900 H-1B cap subject visa petitions for a total of little more than 6,000 H-1B visas remaining. All U.S. advance degree H-1B filings are now being counted toward those remaining numbers. As a result, employers needing to obtain H-1B visas for their employees with requested H-1B start dates for prior to October 1, 2010, the start of the government's new fiscal year, should file H-1B visa petitions as soon as possible.